Monday, February 25, 2013

A little help for my friends....

Friend of the Week

Hello! We're expecting another snow storm up here according to the amount of The Weather Channel my mama is watching today. I think this could be a big one because I hear them calling it "Rocky", like that boxer in my Daddy's favorite movies. I enjoyed the sunshine today. And my Grammy got me some awesome  treats. While I was enjoying the peanut nutter goodness of the inside of my treats, I thought about my poor friends that don't get treats because they are in shelters. So I had a talk with my mama about this. I don't think she understands me all the time, but she did go on for me and we looked at the pictures together. My heart got all sad when I saw a picture of this dog lady from my mama's hometown. She looked a lot like my cousin Diogi's sister, Yoshimi. Yoshimi was dognapped a few years ago and I told my mama that I wondered if it could be Yoshimi. So we posted the picture to my Uncle Charlie's Facebook page to ask him. But in the mean time, I didn't want this doggie to have to be executed. Because on the website there were big letters that read "Time Up" above her picture and I asked my mama what that meant. She said it meant these poor friends would soon be headed to the Rainbow Bridge. WHAT? I do not like that all. What if that is my cousin Yoshimi? My Uncle Charlie didn't even know she was out there all alone and scared and hurt. Doesn't she deserve a chance to be reunited with him? And even if it's not Yoshimi, she deserves a happy life. So I decided that I will feature a "Friend of the Week" on my blog. And all week I will talk about where that friend comes from and how people can help other friends in the same place.  So that nice lady dog at the top is my first Friend of the Week. I don't know her name, but they call her 12013 on the website. (And how awful is it to be known as a number and not a name? My mama says they did that in the Holocaust.) She is an Australian Shepard. You can find her information at And check out some other friends while you are there! Stay tuned for more information about the animal control center she is at and how you can help animals in her situation escape this fate! Good luck 12013. I hope you find your forever home!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Snow Dog....

I don't know about other dogs, but I just love the snow. Maybe that's because I was born and raised in Chicago. But if you listen to my Daddy, "This snow ain't snow!" Well, I guess it is. It's white and fluffy and cold and wet and that is what my mama defines as snow. Whatever. It's fun. Do you know how much digging I can do, even in as little as two inches of snow! And I love looking at my paw prints everywhere. That's cool. And you can really see the birds and the squirrels when it snows. I love to stand there and bark at them after I chase them in to a tree.
But my mama made me kind of sad today. She says there are dogs that don't get to go out and play when it snows. She says these doggies are on "death row" and she gets all teary eyed. I don't like things that make my mama sad and I don't like the sound of this "death row". I know everybody likes cute puppies. And there are apparently tons of cute puppies at these shelter thingys. So why don't people just go get the puppies from the shelters? Makes sense to me. But my mama says that not everybody wants to take care of their puppy. Especially when it gets older. I can relate to that. My FurMama didn't like me. She wouldn't give me milk or take care of me when I was a bitty baby. And her flesh family didn't like me or my sister. So they sold my sister because they could. But they were going to give me to the shelter! Thank God they gave me to my Grammy instead, who helped me connect with my mama and Daddy. And I love my mama and my Daddy and my Grammy and my cat sister Furrball. I am so glad that I am adopted. So now I really really want to help my dog friends in shelters find their forever families. I think every dog deserves to play in the snow and laugh when their mama falls down on the ice. And bark at snow birds. And make the snow fly up around them when they run and catch a snow flake in their mouth.
This is my new mission. To make every dog a Snow Dog!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

The Next NEXT Karate Kid....

I am a puppy. I like to chew things. I like to bark. A lot. I like to hike my leg up and pee on trees and run as fast as I can and roll around in bad smelling stuff and eat rotten apples that the squirrels throw from the trees and chase the cat. My new favorite thing, though, is being a ninja. My mama talks about being a Ninja all the time. But she's clumsy and she tromps around like an elephant, so I think she's not a good ninja at all. She likes to play this game with my Daddy where she hides from him and jumps out at him. Which is silly because my Daddy is trained to avert sneak attacks. So I used to think she was ridiculous. Until today. My Daddy was play chasing me and I tried sneak up on him. My rotten mama told on me. But Daddy thought I was funny and kept playing my game with me. Chase me and I'd run away then sneak back up on him and try to get his pants leg. It was fun. But I'm not sneaky enough. I think I need to continue my practice so I can become very, very sneaky. Like a REAL ninja. And sneak up on my Daddy and surprise him and make him see that I am a good guard dog, even if I am friendly and small. After all, chihuahuas were warriors. I've seen Beverly Hills Chihuahua with my mama. And I'm bigger than a stinkin' chihuahua. So I can be a warrior too!
As my mama says, "Wax on, wax off Teddy-san". Whatever the heck that means!