Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Little dog, little dog, let me in....

***WARNING: This blog may contain affiliate links. Please do not panic! It is not a link to North Korean hackers!***

Hey everyone, it's Teddy here again! I just wanted to bring up a subject very dear to me heart today: home security. Since I was just a wee pup, my Daddy has emphasized the fact that making sure no one breaks in to our home is my number one priority in life. Granted, I've been relegated to the basement's security when Mama and Daddy are gone. (Bella has been promoted to head of security. I don't like it, but I get it. She's a mean, scary pit bull after all!) Home security is still my number one priority however. Every morning, the first thing I do when I go outside to do my business is a perimeter check to make sure there are no unwanted beasts in our yard. I usually scare the crud out of a couple of squirrels and some birds, if I'm lucky a cat, but I have been very lucky in my life to have never had to chase a mean person from my yard.

On basement security duty, protecting everyone from the trash I ripped open.
I have probably saved my family hundreds of times throughout the years, from the UPS guy to the neighbors that walk their hideous mutts around our neighborhood, peeing on all my good pee spots. Never did I make my Daddy more proud than the time I stopped the guy who was peeking in our living room window at 3:30 in the morning.

He was a creeper, I could definitely tell from the sneaky way that he opened our front gate. Bella was sleeping in Mama and daddy's room that night and I was on patrol in the front window, laying in my favorite spot on the back of the couch. I like that spot because I can see from the north end of our block to over halfway down the south side. This guy was wearing a hoodie and I've never trusted anyone in a hoodie that wasn't my dad. I growled as he walked up our sidewalk and did his sneaky opening of the gate. But when he walked up our stairs and started peeking in the window- RIGHT BY MY FACE!- I started barking like crazy. Coco always runs back up for me and she climbed on to the couch beside me and started barking her head off too. Now my bark is pretty mighty. I definitely rank it above Bella's yippee bark. But Coco is just loud and scary when she barks. (I assume this is because she is just a massive beast. I've noticed that, generally speaking, the bigger a dog is the deeper their bark is.) All you heard is "Woof! Woof!" over and over in a thunderous boom and all you see is bright white, shiny, LONG teeth. 

Between the two of us, we managed to get Daddy out of bed. He actually went out to confront the dude and Mama showed up right behind him, clutching Daddy's pistol in her hands. My daddy does NOT take too kindly on getting woke up in the middle of the night by strangers clamoring up our porch. Mama came over to the couch and peeked through the blinds to see what was going on with Daddy. He seemed to be talking to the man in some way. Eventually Daddy came back in and the man left. Daddy gave me and Coco both pettings and kisses and we were all back to sleep.

From what I heard Mama and daddy say, the stranger was drunk and trying to find someone's house. This is no excuse to stumble up to my house in the middle of the night. I will bark at you. And if you try coming in my door, I will bite you. I might only be able to reach your ankle, calf, or (if you are lucky enough to still have them) your balls, but I will bite you. And if I get started then Coco and her huge self will come to my rescue and SHE will probably tear your throat out. And God forbid Bella be around because she maybe look sweet and snugly, but she is mean as a rattlesnake, especially if you threaten our parents. Mama lovingly calls this the "Hound Defense", as in "Release the Hounds".
NOT a picture of my Mama!
In conclusion, as a dog, I've learned that most people are scared of dogs. Even dog people can be afraid of a dog that is not their own. Especially a big dog. They underestimate us tiny dogs way too much! So my recommendation is that you run out to your nearest shelter today and adopt your own home security system. There are thousands of doggos sitting in shelters, just waiting to bite an intruder for you. I personally recommend PAWS Chicago, a shelter that my Granddaddy always supported and that my Mama continues to support. if you're back in Mama's home state of Georgia, check out Angels Among Us. My aunt Ashley has worked with them for years and has fostered many a fur baby through this organization.

If you are just not in a position to adopt right now (maybe you live in an apartment that doesn't allow dogs or you are getting ready to deploy to Iran), I recommend this awesome doggie bark doorbell. 
Rex Plus Dog Bark Doorbell- make them THINK you have the devil in your house!
And if you're more in the mood for standard, boring, everyday human security, our next door neighbor has this security system up around his place. (And two Beagles and a Shiz Tzu that may be related to me distantly.)

No matter what you do, make sure that you stay safe and secure in your home! The world is so mean out there these days that you need your home to be more secure than ever before. Make sure that you take care of your loved ones and treasure and protect them because you never know what each day will bring you. Home security is about more than protecting a house. It about protecting a home.

Barks and wags,


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