Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Barks and kisses....

Is it milk chocolate or dark?
*** WARNING: This post may contain affiliate links. It does NOT contain nuts or mutts!***

Bark and hello! Teddy here again, just a single pup alone on the most romantic day of the year: Valentine's Day. Now, in our house we really don't celebrate Valentine's day per se. The whole month of February is really a love fest for my Mama, who has her birthday in two days. (Happy birthday Mama!) But my mama loves us all so much that even though she says she "doesn't do Valentine's Day" and that it's just a "Hallmark holiday", she always does SOMETHING special for me, my sisters, my daddy, and even my old Grammy. A special meal, a special treat, a nice walk. I love all of her ideas because they are all so nice.

I like to consider myself somewhat of an expert on the subject of love, considering the fact that I give out at least a thousand kisses a day. Also, I'm adorable. I think they should consider replacing that scary demon baby with the arrows that they call Cupid with me. I think I inspire much more love that a flying cherub with rosy cheeks. (How do those tiny wings hold up that chubby body? Does he taste like chicken? It's very confusing!) If you have your own special Valentine love pooch, you may be wondering what you can do for him or her this holiday to bring a little cheer in to their life. I have some ideas for you.

1. Eat a romantic dinner for two (or more!)

Not EXACTLY what I mean!
My mother loves to make us dog food, combining veggies and meats with fruits to  balance out the food and make it so delicious. I'm drooling just thinking about it. She might also make us a nice steak. (She did that last year....) Whatever your food preference is tonight, add some candles and some love songs and viola! Romantic dinner. Just make sure your pup stays away from the candles. Your local fire department has enough to do without your doggo's tail knocking over a few tapers.

2. Watch a romantic movie

Might I suggest Lady and the Tramp?
A lot of people don't realize this, but us dogs really enjoy watching TV, especially with our Masters. A 2013 study published in the journal Animal Cognition showed that dogs could identify images of other dogs among pictures of humans and other animals, using their visual sense alone. Like a lot of people, we only half pay attention to what's going on on the screen, but certain images and sounds attract our attention. Like humans, different dogs like different movies and shows. Personally, I enjoy cartoons while my big sister likes the news. We also enjoy licking your salty tears and comforting, so go ahead and have that single lady cry fest you were planning!

3. Have a spa night

This even looks appealing to me!

I HATE baths. But you may be lucky enough to own a dog like my sister Bella, who loves baths. If this is the case, feel free to run some warm water and let the bubbles flow! Make sure to use some great doggie shampoo and give your pups a few spritzes of spray to keep that wet dog smell from invading your romantic night. My mom likes this Lavender & Chamomile Aromatherapy Freshening & Shining Spray by Gerrard Larriett Aromatherapy Pet Care. Not only does it make us smell great, it relaxes us, which helps keep the post-washing zoomies from getting out of control. (Especially with my pit bull sister, whose zoomies can get totally nuts!)

Get your Gerrard Larriett spray HERE!
No matter what your parents' may feel about Valentine's Day, make sure you give them plenty of kisses! They might not buy you a card or a box of chocolates (because you can't eat chocolate anyway!), but your parent loves you so much every day of the year they deserve your kisses. Hopefully you'll get an extra long walk or a strip of bacon. Have a great V-day!

Kisses and wags,


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